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They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions and if that’s true I’ve got enough bricks to build a freeway.

When I announced last week that I would be hosting a cover reveal this month, I meant it. I completely meant it. At the time, I had no idea that my sparkly redesigned cover would be pooped on by CreateSpace or that my new new cover designer was sick (and I feel terrible for her, but it still sucks for me). Hence I didn’t know that I would have to hire a new new new designer. Thankfully, my new new new cover designer (the fourth one to date) is available the first week in May, so we will be able to get this crap sorted, but this means no cover reveal this month. In fact, I’m thinking I may not do one at all and instead just focus on the last bits of copyediting and starting work on book 3’s polishing.

However, all is not lost. We’re still on track for a May 24th re-release if no more calamities befall. I am determined to get THAT done one way or another.
